To Hamlet's castle ( ie Helsingor)

Brian Whitefoot
Sat 5 Jun 2010 21:12
Cathy and Michael arrived on Friday, in baking heat and sun, and we decided to head for Helsingor ( 56:02.6N, 012:37.0E) on the Saturday, with an early start. But before that we had a good wander through quaint Dragor again, and it really is a hidden gem.
The 'big ship channel' comes very close inshore by the marina, and we got some good views of big cruise ships , including the Q Mary 2. We resolved to keep out of this ( very narrow ) channel on our trip the following day.
Saturday dawned clear and bright, with gentle winds and we were on our way at 0900, out into the Sound and keeping out of the shipping channels. This really is an area where you can see our impact on the landscape from the sea ; windmill farms, the huge Oresund Bridge, Copenhagen Airport and the spires of Copenhagen behind the cruise ship terminal.
We motored for a couple of hours towards the island of Ven, and then played at sailing in light winds with mixed success, and took the opportunity for a leisurely lunch while drifting fairly aimlessly off Ven. Then some motorsailing until the wind picked up to a F3/4 as we approached Helsingor , and some good sailing back and forth in the Sound, with Michael having great fun tweaking the sails and generally getting the best out of the boat..just over 7kts in 12kts wind on a fine reach, which is not bad for a boat like Moondog.
Cathy helmed us on the final stretch to Helsingor, dodging the ferries that ply back and forth across the narrows between Denmark and Sweden,and then around Kronberg Palace on the headland. Mooring this time was perfect, with a perfect catching of the mooring posts and no drama....we will pay for it next time ! A nice 27miles in very hot weather, and at least some wind towards the end of the trip.
Then off to explore Helsingor, which is supposed to be a very interesting and historic place, quite apart from its Hamlet connection. Only problem was that all of the residents seem to have disappeared at 5.30pm on a Saturday. All shops closed, and few bars open. Where do all the people go ?
Back to the boat and we created a gourmet meal out of the various tins we had bought in Germany, which was better than might have been expected. Then a very pleasant evening playing cards and planning the next day, which if the weather is kind, will see us back in Sweden for the start of what should be a 3 week stay, working our way up the Swedish coast towards Norway. The forecast is good, but based on recent forecast accuracy we will wait to see what actually transpires in the morning.