Howth to Arklow ( ' 52:47.60N, 06:08.20W' )

We crept out of the marina at 0700, very quietly , to observe the massive collective hangover which we suspected was spread throughout the moored boats. A glorious sunny day, with a good F4 in a direction we could actually sail, once out into Dublin Bay. We were soon making 6.5 kts through the water in 12 kts true wind at 110 degrees true.
The earlyish departure had been to catch all of the favourable south going tide to Arklow, since we were back in the land of quite strong tides. Once past Dublin the tide really kicked in, with 3 kts at times and often more than 8 kts over the ground...this was a real conveyor belt. Unfortunately, the wind dropped after a couple of hours and swung round from the NW for a while, which killed the apparent wind even more with the tide pushing us along. Oh well, back to motor sailing, because we wanted to make most use of this fantastic tide, and certainly wanted to be round Wicklow Head before it turned.
We were really lucky, and our timings were such that we only had an adverse tide for the last hour into Arklow, and it was fairly weak. We were tied up in Arklow marina at 1300. A 40 mile trip in 6 hrs 40min, an average speed of 6.7 kts. Met by graffiti on harbour wall...’ No to IMF...all sold out ‘.
Alan was keen to explore Arklow. I related a response I had received once from a local when asking what to do in Arklow, and being told ‘ go to Wicklow’. However, Alan was not to be deterred, so off we went. The highlight was our search for the railway station to check train times for Alan’s return / escape tomorrow. Couldn’t find it...absolutely no signs at all. Eventually got directions from a couple of people and iterated our way there. It was closed...but the station master was walking down the road and gave us the train time for Sunday...there are not many. Profit improvement point number one for Irish signs. Wandering in town we passed Crummy Financial Services ( seriously...probably no need to protect that business name), and a poster for Brawl Nite at the Lawless Hotel...all local fighters welcome....
Returned to boat and bought supplies at a new Aldi......according to the huge sign outside, this shopping experience will have changed my lifestyle, but no noticeable change to report. It probably would have changed my life if I had bought the random fishing waders and tile cutters on display next to the canned fruit..not sure who in procurement at Aldi thought that this selection would be just what the people of Arklow needed.
For all of this, the marina was very friendly and lots of boattie chat and then a beer in the sailing club bar. I was also very grateful to be tucked up in the small marina, to ride out the forecast gales for Sunday. The alternative, of mooring on a pontoon in the river would be most unpleasant ( and one or two friends who may read this will doubtless agree with that, after past adventures).
Writing this on Sunday am I can confirm that the forecast horrible weather has indeed arrived, with gale and torrential rain....I have basically washed my jeans by walking outside for 2 mins. I shall now go in search of wi fi in Arklow to send this, before welcoming new crew member Gordon onto Moondog this evening.
Apologies no pics...I will upload when I have more time and wi fi in a marina.