36 06N 068 31W Good Morning

Good Moring Tuesday 08 00 ships time. And it is a good morning after 30 hours of V uncomfortable seas with a brisk wind on a shy reach we finally sailed into the predicted cold front early evening. The wind died and headed so we tacked over towards our Gulf Stream entry point 37deg 20 min North and 69deg 4 mins West. The theory is that the
Gulf Stream has a Northerly sweep in it and the trick is to get a 2-3 knt ride for free!! Other parts of the stream
sweep the other way so slow you down. Conditions onboard in both people and the boat have improved greatly and this morning Tom and I have been discussing Eggs bacon and beans maybe a little fried bread! Sam is looking and feeling a lot better after his less than smooth introduction to ocean sailing. He's been putting a very brave face on (for a 12yr old) A beautiful sunrise this morning certainly helped to raise spirits all round. Weather is forecast to drop and become variable for a short while before going to west and SW which will be great for the rest of our trip I hope.