Captain Dorado

Ed Dolman
Tue 24 Nov 2009 20:00
Hello Everyone,
Another fine day's sailing. The wind dropped
slightly overnight and mercifully the swell eased too so although we maintained
our boat speed, the rock and roll show was more tolerable and allowed everyone a
better night's sleep.The fishing rod saw its first action today as Dave trolled
out a beautiful pink lure to the required 75metres. A mere 15 minutes later
and Dave had a bite. The cable ties securing the rod holder to the guard
rail all snapped and the rod disappeared overboard - saved only by the
spectra with which it was tied on to the boat. The rod was recovered and
Dave fought manfully for what seemed like minutes before landing a
beautiful fish which we subsequently discovered was a dorado. Ed did his
bit with the gaff and you probably do not need to know how the fish was
dispatched save to say that it involved some cheap Spanish rum! Superchef
Ed later rustled up Dorado Oriental - baked in the oven in foil with
ginger, garlic, lemon juice and soy sauce and a delicious supper was
enjoyed by us all.The recipe will appear in Ed's next book.
We're set for another good night with winds of 15
to 20 knots from ENE keeping us more or less on track for our mid-Atlantic
waypoint. We can't look at the ARC website on board but the analysis of the
first position reports puts us well up the field and certainly ahead of some of
the big boats - early days but an encouraging start. More anon.