Nearly there!

Ed Dolman
Tue 8 Dec 2009 20:08
Dear Readers,
Just a quick blog to keep you all up to
date. We had a record 24 hour run of 180 miles.We're now 24th on the water,
with 53 boats having finished. There are boats all around as we home in on St.
Lucia (well, four actually). The wind has eased so, ... up with the
asymmetric for a final push towards the finish! We have 52 miles to go and the
Raymarine is telling us about 7 1/2 hours at our present speed.Thanks for
all the good wishes that we have received - much appreciated. Champagne is
chilling in the 'fridge! We'll report again tomorrow. 2010 UT
PS Tony had an enormous tuna on the line this
morning but it got away as Dave took over to reel it in; should have left it to
the professional,