We're off!

Ed Dolman
Mon 23 Nov 2009 12:51
After months of planning and anticipation we are
finally off across the atlantic. We got a good start and as we crossed the line
the wind started to build nicely. It wasn't long before we broke out the
asymmetric spinnaker and raced off southwards. It also wasn't long before we
broached a couple of times and took it down again! Since then we have been
sailing more or less downwind wth two reefs in the main and a bit of genoa -
still averaging over 7 knots. We decided to follow the established advice to "go
south until the butter melts" and spent a pretty bumpy night rolling along
with 25 knots of wind and a 3 metre swell behind us - who needs a
surfboard! We've just sent our first midday position report to the ARC
rally control (26 15N 17 07W) and are now heading WSW with the genoa poled
out.It's 28C and the sun is shining! The only wildlife to report so far is
one bird and some flying fish! Although we have enough provisioning on
board for a round the world trip we have so far only advanced as far
as Ainsley Harriott soup and Tesco part baked baguettes (highly
recommended!) with manchego cheese! This will of course all change when
Dave catches his first tuna. All a bit tired but in good