Departure time again.

Good morning.
From the Crisp but cloudy docks of Horta Marina the crew of IDEA bid you hello hello. Leaving time again, but first things first = Coffee. IDEA now has a brand new kettle, and coffee grinder to handle the mountain of beans we've collected for the delivery.
With the coffee brewed we get ready for the tasks associated with another open water crossing. Gear placed near at hand, loose items stowed so they can't shift about and a general tidy up all around. All that's really left to do now is take on fuel and head off into the blue.
After studying the weather trends over the past several days we shouldn't have to many troubles. The crossing should take somewhere in the range of 4 days. IDEA should slide through the water at an average of 10 knots with wind speeds fluctuating between 12 - 18 knots on our beam (our side - left, or port side) with the waves coming from the same general direction.
Horta has been good to us. We've met up with some local characters who remember us from last year and were more than happy to host us again. Cementing those relationships is one of the great joys of sailing from port to port and leaves us feeling warm knowing we can come back anytime and be welcome into peoples homes and lives.
Once again our Tracker will be turned on shortly before leaving the dock and you will be able to follow our progress as the journey progresses.
See you in the ocean.
TTFN - Ta Ta For Now