The toe of Italy Roccello Ionica

Motoring across Europe
Dave Pratt and Nick Pochin
Thu 18 Jul 2013 20:06
A great day with perfect conditions5 knots of following wind and a slight
sea. Despite our weight we got up on the plane and averaged 14 knots. Dave
has a theory that we should take on less fuel and we would fly which is
fine,until we run out of fuel!!Today we motored 140 kilometres and are set
to pass through the Messina straits tomorrow.The weather is looking
settled for a few days and we will try to get across to Menorca before the
weather breaks. We have two legs where we will be on the limits of our
fuel range.Just been reading about Bear Grills North West Passage in a
Shockwave RIB! I think we need to borrow his rib with top speed of 45
knots and long range fuel tanks!