Julie's chat

Motoring across Europe
Dave Pratt and Nick Pochin
Tue 21 May 2013 08:56
We have had a few wonderful days.The sun has had it's hat on at last. The
boys have been behaving apart from Nick doing a three point turn as I was
leaping onto the pontoon and fell hanging onto the boat. (Compensation
claim in progress!) though I did over load the invertor one day with the
kettle and toaster just as we are going into a lock.mannering shouts turn
the switch you know where it is! Me crawling down flat on the floor,pulled
a switch ,oh wrong one turned the engine off. Mannering shouts man the
Anchour! Panic on his face ! I felt like I had just sunk the titanic. We
were saved, by captain Dave.
We have now entered the Danube only two thousand milieus to the Black
Sea, and the current is with us 19km an hour , we are at last moving.