waiting in Port de Plasance Vitry le Francois

Motoring across Europe
Dave Pratt and Nick Pochin
Sun 28 Apr 2013 14:46
hairdressers, my hair was such an awful colour. Don't know what Emie did
but it was almost bright yellow. Couldn't stand it any longer. Can't be
any worse than it was. Well we are all getting a bit fed up of hanging
around here. It's a nice town, very clean , but dead as the grave at
night. As Dave say's more fun in a mortuary! Everyone goes to bed so
early. Yesterday we drove round the champagne trail, it was a case of
spot the person! We eventually found a Champagne house where we could
sample the goods. Really nice people, only a small house, handed down the
generations. We are going back for a full tour of the estate on Friday.
They did not have time yesterday.
When we are moving we have so much to do.The boat does not seem that
small, but being stuck is annoying. We have only eaten out a few times ,
and have been very disappointed with the food, expensive and poor quality.
The guy's have decided food on board is the best. So Julie's bistro is
open every night, amazing what you can do with 2 burners, and a small
I have been keeping fit , running from lock to lock , just the 5k
ones, trying to beat the boat. We have 2 bikes , which will come into use
on the canal de la Marne au Rhin with the 150 locks. Some of them are like
stairs, one after the other.
Market day here tomorrow, looking forward to that. Diesel,Food and
Wine are cheap.Meat and fish, mon chere! Everyone is very polite to
each other , in shops etc in fact anywhere. We British can be a bit
hard with each other.
Well my hair was a great success, darker and a bit shorter, I would
say very French! It is really warm here today, lovely, we have been
out sight seeing. I would call this trip,"Carry on up the canal"
with Dad's army! Three more days to go before we move on.