Along the Marne towards Epernay

Motoring across Europe
Dave Pratt and Nick Pochin
Thu 18 Apr 2013 17:10
Leaving Meaux at 8am without our French tour guide we set off up the Marne
going as far as Charly where we moored up on the river bank.It was a short
walk to the supermarket and a kind Frenchman took us by car for provisions
and diesel.
That is where we are now but lots to report of our journey here,the
first lock went like a dream , no shouting though Captain Mannering,
did think he could drive and hold the ropes bossing the rest of the
troops. That's Mrs Fox ,and sergeant Jones. THe next lock you are
given a fob which opens the locks automatically from the boat, we
arrived at the first one to find the fob was not working. While Nick
was trying to contact the lock keeper by phone. I spotted a what
seemed like a large rag floating in the water, it drifted past the
boat and we realised what we were looking at was a dead body. Face
down into the water , arms spread out. The current was so strong the
body floated past, it was a man poor guy. Dave and I went up to the
lock , found the keeper and he discovered the batteries (for the fob)
were flat.I told him about the body, in my way. We then set off up the
river, as we approached the next lock , 2 police men were waiting to
question us. We gave the information , and headed on our way. We are
now moored in a lovely spot on the river. Dinner is cooking, we tend
to eat on board.All well on Greylag.