
Motoring across Europe
Dave Pratt and Nick Pochin
Wed 1 May 2013 10:15
Position 48:41N 05:19E in Vitry-en-Barrios
Monday the 29th of April the canal reopened and it was a warm sunny day.
Pleased to be back on our way and made good progress covering 18 locks and
32 km parking on the canal bank at Revigny for the night We were in
company with a French couple on a 27 ft sailing boat and a Belgium couple
on a big motor boat.
We woke to a cold miserable day and it never stopped raining all day!
Nothing better to do we continued on along the Canal Marne au Rhin passing
through 29 locks and 30 km. we arrived in Ligny-en-Barrios to what seemed
to be a good Halte (Marina) with all the facilities! We tied up to the
pontoon and turned the engine off.Surprise,surprise the marina opens on
the 15th of May and there are no facilities. We decided to move the boat
alongside a motor boat which has electricity and water.The engine would
not start!! Flat batteries!! Had to walk the boat around and hook up to
the electrics. We then had shore power and all domestic services but still
nothing on the engine start batteries. Batteries are stuffed!! Guess what
1st of May is a holiday and also the Canal is shut for the day! The town
is shut so nowhere to buy new batteries and anyway we can't go any further
until the Canal reopens.Julie has found some pork chops so we can eat and
there is a bar open so we are going to drown our sorrows!