Anyone for a game of squall dodging?
Of course, no sooner had we uploaded our last update when we ran into a horrendous night, winds of up to 40 knots and one squall after another, it was like playing a twisted computer game as we switched the radar on and played dodge the squall. With the wind and rain buffeting us from every angle and waves crashing over the bow, we had to take all the sails down and motor for a few hours and once again we were rolling around. As morning broke, we managed to get the ‘Jenny’ back out and check out the mainsail, since then we’ve done running repairs to stitch and tape a bit of the mainsail and this morning’s job is to refit another baton before hoisting the main again. Soaked and tired we spent the day recovering, taking the positives of working well together in difficult circumstances and solace in the fact that we continue to make good speed in the right direction. At this point we have another 4 to 5 days to run and boy will the rum punches at the other end taste good. |