fizz day 13 13:53N 44:16W

Fizzy Logic
Ciaran Geoghegan
Sat 8 Dec 2007 16:49
Day 13. 08-12-2007
The last 24 h have been pretty awful. We have had
completely overcast skys with a significant amount of wind and torrential
The wind in general has been 20-25 kn from an E to
SE direction, we had wind from 165M on several occasions. The rain has been
incredible, you can see these squalls approaching, time for the oilies, and then
it hoses down for up to 60min at a time.In general there is a significant swell
of 10 - 12 feet most of the time but the effect of the rain is to calm the
swells and flatten the crests and waves to have smooth rounded
Todays problem kicked in at approx 10.00 UT, we
were sailing along when the aft section of the reefing line went with a bang. We
attempted to sort it but it is difficult with a one line reefing system as the
rope is on a purchase system in the boom, KD knows what I mean.
The answer eventually was to rerun reef 2 as reef 1
and reef 3 as reef 2, so essentially we are down a reef.
Any scheduled phone calls had to be cancelled so
apologies to all concened. Cuisine as you can imagine has dropped in
imagination, we have just had a cheese sandwich, very tasty as it was made with
Tim's bread and the gorgeous cheese we got in el corte ingles which is made from
cow's, sheep's and goat's milk.
We are 970 miles from St Lucia and hopefully the
wind will begin to understand that it's origin should be in the NE as that would
give us a nice wind angle for this section.
Will be back tomorrow with hopefully brighter,
sunnier news, until then all are well on board, Bye.