Technical Probs 46:28.5N 13:47.6W Miles to go to Pwllheli 529

Wed 13 Aug 2014 21:37
We have been having difficulty sending our messages and getting the weather forecasts because the USB port on  the computor, to which we connect the sat phone, appeared to have an intermitant connection. We could hear it clicking in and out and assumed it was the computer port. Having messed about for couple of days eventually getting our messages through we rummaged in the box of spare cables and found a spare USB/serial cable which seems to have soved the problem.
There was another worrying development last night;  whilst looking at the chart plotter the image of the  little boat started to race across the screen sideways at 10 to 12 knots speed over the ground and when we looked at the log we had done 224 miles in the last 3½ hours.  Ella Trout is fast but not that fast. We turned it off and on several times and did the same with all the instruments feeding into the chart plotter before it went back to normal.  This instrument is our main means of navigation and it essential that it is reliable.  It's Raymarine C series wide screen supposedly top quality and not cheap. If you have been folllowing my blog from the beginning you may recall that when I left Plymouth (Blog: 'Electrics and Electronics' 15/5/2014) I rrported that  the mileage on the chart plotter had gone up by 61000 miles in the space of 10 miles. Modern electronics are very good but unreliable or faulty electronics are very worrying.
Lastly the atmospheric conditions over the last few days has been such that there is a very poor signal on the satalite phone compounding our communication problems.
Progress is a bit slow; we only did 97 miles today.
Sorry it is not a very bright report today.
Love Patch, Sarah and Poppa/Dad/Roger