Mileage update and Man O' War 40 16.7N: 45 15.7W

Fri 6 Jun 2014 17:46
One thing Im forgot to mention about my glassy calm day as the su went down I was geting a mbucket f sea water to do the washin up a fish nabout a foot long came nosing up to the bucket, it was the same shape as a parrot fish but brown and smaller. It was ob viusly sheltering under the boat as we sat in thewater going nowhere.  There was a bit of oily slick as well and I saw plastic bag float by.
A short while after I said to myself "There's that plastic bag again, this time it was going to pass very close and I consided hooking it out with the boat hook.As it came closer I realised it was a Portugese Man O' War. I went for my camera but it had floated too far away.  Stone me it came past a third time and this time I was ready. The current was obviously rotating us very slowly, by the fourth rotation it was dark.
By popular request mileage update:
At the time of writing i.e. 1800 BST (1700 GMT/UTC) we have sailed 1951 and are 1187 miles from Newport.
Love Poppa/Dad/Roger