We are now connected 44:00.5N 11:11.7W

Fri 20 May 2016 13:02
Yes "we are now connected". I am sorry for the long delay it is a result of me not remembering exactly how to perform the various functions and not getting my sleep and feeding propperly organised. Lack of sleep leads to lethargy which leads to not eating which leads to feeling rotten. Finally silenced those demons and back to 100%! (I like to think).
Having caught up with all the signals from the other Jesters my trip so far has obviously been very similar to the other guys with a good start followed by a calm spell and then 30kts in the squalls; AND those fishermen! - Major contributor to loss of sleep! - At one time I had 20 around me costantly changing direction and setting off my Dangerous Target Alarm making me regret the smoke alarm sounder I fitted. I reach the point of uselessly shouting at the thing to "SHUT UP"!!!!!  Ah well; why do we do these crazy things?
My noon position for the first 5 days is as follows:
Monday 16th         49:21.4N 05:42.1W
Tuesday 17th        47:51.6N 06:42.6W
Wednesday 18th  46:57.8N 08:31.4W
Thursday 19th      45:08.9N 10:09.0W
Friday 20th            44:00.5N 11:11.7W   
Currently off Finistère struggling to get west although I now see (having just got my first weather forecast (grib)) we may get a lift later today.
As we have no oceanracetrack this time would those giving situation reports mind including Sarah Carton in their circulation. She is my home base contact and will ciculate all my interested parties. You will find her address above, thank you.
Please excuse any typo's as since having to have a new hard drive my spell checker only does french, hence Finistère, which haqs been checked!