22:14.29N 110:10.29W

Alex Belmont
Tue 5 Jul 2011 18:52
0015 - Sorry about the rather dry entry yesterday. Too much motoring can
really wear me down. Things are looking better now. We had some nice sailing
this afternoon, followed by another period of motorsailing early tonight. My
watch (2100-0000) was beautiful. The wind built, sails went up, windvane on,
motor off. Orianne was moving effortlessly, balanced perfectly,
close-reaching under full sail to a long, gentle SE swell. Squalls and
lines of dark clouds blew past to the west, but none crossed our path. I
even caught the fourth of july fireworks show in Cabo between squalls.
Lovely sailing!
1220 - We are in the Pacific! Light wind and easy sailing. It looks like we'll have a few days of very light winds. Oh well, we'll make it.