N10:40.574 W061:38.534

Mon 10 Jul 2017 23:17
Preparing to leave at 17.00 hrs 04.07.2017, Big Birthday for Chris 05.07.2017 so Birthday Cake Fairy has to arrive a day early ... and we have to leave behind these gorgeous dogs, they could have been brilliant Birthday gifts
[cid:image001.jpg@01D2FA79.1DBDA3C0] [cid:image002.jpg@01D2FA79.1DBDA3C0] [cid:image003.jpg@01D2FA79.1DBDA3C0]
However, after arriving in Chaguaramus on the 5th after 25 hours and the best sail of the season we catch up with Graham and Joanie, Karma, on Thursday and the party continues....
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