14 33:674N 061 03:249W
Sun 22 Feb 2015 18:19
Monday 9th February, after leaving Clarkes Court Bay we have a sail steady
around to Halifax Bay in the company of Ray & Irene, C Drifters, where we
clean the hull and spend the night ready for Chris to adjust the rigging and
then set the sails for Fort de France, Martinique.
Even the boobies admire our new mainsail, there was a discussion in the cockpit
about the name boobies, as it also is gannet, which is also Sula, it begged the
question would ‘Booby Sailing School’ get more interest than ‘Sula Sailing
School’ and had we been missing a marketing opportunity for years? Anyway,
26 hours and 135 miles later we drop anchor and check into Martinique. The
anchorage is really rough and dinghy landing not very friendly so on Thursday
morning we move anchorage to Anse Matin where we anchored the very first time we
visited Martinique, it is still as lovely as ever.
And so after a brief 3 day visit we raise our anchor and set sail for Montserrat
which has a very exposed anchorage where we hope we will be able to anchor, this
will be a new Island for us. x |