On the move
Wed 18 Apr 2012 19:48
Monday and after three days it is time to move on, after a discussion
on separation anxieties, we decide that a last lunch of the famous Lobster
sandwiches on the Island of Mayreau is in order and the QS will move onto Union
Island where we will check out of Customs and head towards Grenada on our way
down to Trinidad. So 3.15 miles and here we are...
Good bye to Mayreau.
Over lunch Chris and Robin got into a discussion about the Catamaran in
Chatham Bay on Union Island and as Robing wants some more timber it was decided
next stop 3.4 Chatham Bay, still not facing separation issues....
The cost to Robin for his timber was nearly a new dinghy anchor as he lost his
in the swell while scavenging from wrecks! (he was lucky he didn’t lose his
dinghy) I promised never to tell he had never tied it onto the shackle
properly..., so Tuesday morning we head over to the spot and Chris retrieves the
anchor which we present to JI and then we are on our way to Clifton to check out
of St Vincent & the Grenadines.... never let it be said we stick
slavishly to plans so we had a look at Frigate Island on the way and decided we
would stop there and walk into Clifton, about 40 minutes, and here we finally
checked out of SV&G. After the walk back we head for a swim and by now
it is too late go anywhere....
xx |