
Tue 25 Sep 2012 19:59
While we have worked very hard at getting the QS up and ready to go in the water (another couple of weeks possible) we have also taken the odd day off here and there, every Saturday at 3.00 pm we join like minded cruisers and take a maxi bus for $12TT which is about 1.20 GBP and we ride to Macqueripe Bay.  This is an area which has been designated a park run by the Chagauramus Development Agency, here we hike for about 45 minutes through the Bamboo Forest where we usually spot the Howler and Capuchin monkeys.   It is a pleasant steep walk onto a ridge which gives us views of Venezuela, which is seven miles as the crow flies, down into the bamboo forest which opens out onto the golf course, and then an easier walk through the Bamboo Cathedral, down the water course and then onto the beach where we manage a swim before we return to the boatyard at 18.15 hrs.  The water here is not the Caribbean Blue we have got used to as the Manamo River, Venezuela, flows into the sea and keeps it kind of brackish, but still usually warm and welcome after the hike through the forest.
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DSCF3211  DSCF3210What else would you use the Bamboo Cathedral for?
Some of the things we have managed to photograph on the walk....
The locals tell you that if you cut the top of a termites nest and smear the contents over yourself it acts as a bug repellant, I think I will stay with the deet!