August Leaving the UK
And so the last three weeks of the visit were spent walking many more miles, and enjoying time with my very special parents. The only cloud over this time was the worrying news that dad had received in April just before the Diamond Wedding Anniversary that he had prostate cancer, we were fitting in hospital visits for scans in preparation for his radio therapy treatment which was due to start in September. It was a very difficult time as I had my flight booked before the start of the treatment and the big question for me was ‘do I extend my stay or just carry on and if needed return to the UK at a later date’. Lots of to-ing and fro-ing and it was decided I fly as planned on the 4th September. A very hard farewell for all of us, but the best news followed with the completion of the treatment with no major side effects and things looking promising for his follow up review in January. xx This email has been scanned by BullGuard antivirus protection.
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