Fw: Antigua? Guadeloupe and St Pierre
Thu 7 May 2015 18:51
Five miles and Twenty one hours and we arrive in Falmouth Harbour,
Antigua. The reason for our visit is that we owe another cruiser a couple
of cases of beer for a wind generator which he swapped with us, so we arrive and
drop anchor, do the handover and decide that it is such a glorious day and the
wind just right to continue with the journey South, we up anchor and one hour
and thirty minutes after arrival we are on our way to Pigeon Island,
Guadeloupe. And so on the 19th March at 23.00 we drop anchor in Guadeloupe
where we will be joined by Ray and Irene,( CDrifters) this is one of our
favourite spots with glorious snorkelling in the Cousteau Marine
Park. On 22nd March we move down to the South of the Island to Bass Terre
where we are waiting for the winds to change from Southerly so we can continue
down to Martinique. On the 24th March at 08.45 we begin a very, very windy
sail with choppy seas and lots of salt water baths, however we make St Pierre,
Martinique at 04.00 on the 25th, A large ‘anchor drink’ sends us sleeping
soundly until it is time to meet with C Drifters and do the check in.
We have a wonderful few days with Ray and Irene, and all to soon it is
time for us to leave them in St Pierre as keep on our Southerly heading, so
08.03, 28th March we up anchor and head for Carriacou where on the 29th we
anchor next to Tim and Babs, Sunshine II, they very kindly feed and hydrate us,
we enjoy a lovely evening with them and then on the morning of the 30th we are
underway again destination Trinidad.