Christmas in Trinidad 2
Mon 13 Jan 2014 21:31
Asa Wright with Maris and Martin (Nanshe), although Chris and I had done
this trip not that long ago it was well worth a second visit, especially since
the oil spills in Trinidad over the Christmas period are threatening the
Mangrove swamps and therefore the crabs which the Scarlet Ibis feed on, it may
not be as spectacular a scene in months to come.
The balcony feeders keep the humming birds and honeycreepers well fed and in
abundance, the fresh fruit and bread help encourage the Agouti and the Tegu
Lizard to come and feed. Oriole nests and Leaf Ant nests all part of the
bio diversity of life in the Asa Wright, followed by Caroni Swamp
Caimen, Blue Heron and Tree Snakes all add interest to the trip through the
mangrove to see the Scarlet Ibis.
As an end to the day Derrick took us on a tour tour of a couple of the more
spectacular Christmas House Lights on our way home, the only thing missing was
we couldn’t get any ice cream!