19:06:541S 146:51:525E From cruising to proper sailing.
Shaya Moya
Don & Susan Smyth
Sun 3 Aug 2014 03:37
The fruits of Toms labour provides with two
delicious meals. Hope there is more of that soon. No luck since but not through
lack of trying
The cruising part of our trip has been very
relaxing, and has provided us with everything from stunning
remote locations to very touristy beaches where we were gone from our
anchorage nice and early.
The fun part was seeing it all but we needed
provisions so we took a temporary berth for a few hours at Hamilton Marina.
It is quaint but a bit too touristy with lots of foreigners
around. We found what we need and headed out to the Great Barrier
Shaya Moya at Hamilton Marina
On our way to Hook Reef we spotted four Humpback
Whales. Massive and majestic.
We anchored next to the reef and spent two
beautiful calm days exploring, snorkeling and viewing the excellent coral
bommies around us. A vast variety of fish from tiny 30mm long right
up to Grouper and one Reef Shark. Very special to spend the extra time here
before packing up what is now referred to as Uncle Toms Cabin.
On our second morning we woke up to a proverbial
millpond but this was the lull before some pretty strong wind on what would my
fiirst over night sail. We left early after a quick snorkel with the wind
building from the south east and we set the sails and quickly took advantage of
the conditions for our 24 hour journey. The wind strengthened to F7 gusting
to F8 and soon running at 10 knots boat speed. It did not feel like we were
making such good headway because at 35 tons Shaya Moya is solid and comfortable.
I came through the adventure with less sleep but exhilerated. Don and I doubled
up during the night. We arrived 21 hours and 192 miles later at Horseshoe
Bay, Magnetic Island for a stop before another 50 nautical miles
Lawrences of Autralia looking for the
The Australian Royal Navy looked after
us as well.