17:09.018N 61:38.068W What A Day!

Mon 28th March – Nevis Today was physically the most difficult sailing I have ever done and ever wish to do. It started off harmlessly today. We left Deep Bay early this morning after yesterday’s wonderful Sunday braai (BBQ) with all the extras (melktert) and beer. Shirley and Troy had a great time and took lots of pics of us and the boat. The wind was perfect for the trip west to Nevis and it was truly plain sailing as they say. Mom and Annie were determined to see the Spinnaker fly (Big Orange) so we got to setting it all up and hoisted her pretty easy although not as easily has before. With Big O flying and us doing 11-13kts it all seemed to be rather well until the wind picked up. We decided it was time to take the big sail down and only then realized she was tangled inside the snuffer. To cut a long… very long story short we eventually ended up with the spinnaker wrapped several times around the foresail. We pulled and heaved and swore for hours until I finally devised a means of unwrapping the fat cow (children might be reading this) only then to realized that the line used to snuff the then thing had also got wrapped up. So Reece had to go up the mast whilst the boat was rolling quite badly. I felt like I was being flown like a kite from the top of the mast. All in all it took three hours of blood, sweat and foul language to dissolve the situation and save our still favorite sail. Surprisingly although she (BAD ORANGE) was wrapped pretty tight, we still made good speed towards Nevis arriving just before 1700. After all the days troubles we decided to go ashore and found a great beach bar and restaurant called Sunshine’s. We enjoyed a few Killer Bees (house specialty… more rum), grilled lobster and a bonfire on the beach while our tender was almost dragged of by the tide. The only reason our little RIB didn’t get stolen by Neptune was because he decided to fill it with sand and water instead. WHAT A DAY !! Never fear when the crew is near… so I sorted that out as well. God what will tomorrow bring? |