Still in Antigua - Monday 21st March

Monday 21st March – Antigua I woke up this morning feeling slightly fragile after having a blast at Shirley Heights. The BBQ ribs were the winner closely followed by the numerous rum punches. Ryan warned us they’d be sneaky and he was absolutely right, the last one got me. We all enjoyed the party for different reasons. I was caught more than once with a glass in each hand, Annie was seen annihilating the island’s Ting supply (They’ve got more than enough rum!). The old chap was back and forth between the table and the large serious-looking-carib-mama behind the grill. The queen of clean and Annie spent their time assessing all the fashion on display and the wearers. Annie was particularly interested in a number of items and had no problem interviewing the wearers as to where they had purchased such fine cloth. Once the band started things livened up and the gyrating started… Then I woke up fragile this morning. I went back to school today, pencil bag the lot. I think it’ll be easy enough, the course is pretty straight-forward and the dread-locked instructor seriously laid-back, should be a lot of fun. Annie and Sue did what they do, I guess, and D spent the day chasing the local boaties. I think D’s rearranging the local work ethic, or at least trying to. Some stuff gets fixed every day just to find new problems lurking, but the general perception is that we’ll be ready to leave the marina by Saturday 26th . After school it was back to HQ for a Sundowner, then a Dressing Drink and off to another fantastic recommendation from ”Ryan’s Antigua” (soon to be published guide book). Papa Zouk’s Fish and (Yes, yes… I know, more…) Rum. The food was great, the service fantastically friendly another winner all-round and more Rum. Red Snapper!! Thanks Boet!! Off to bed… early start tomorrow. |