17:07.551N 61:53.257W

Shaya Moya
Don & Susan Smyth
Tue 5 Apr 2011 16:21

Sat 26th March – Antigua (Deep Bay)


We were all up early this morning. Us boys shot down to the boat to get it ship-shape for the “guests”. I then stayed to carry on touching up here and there while D went to fetch the girls. Hours later Dad arrived back with the ladies and their bags, supplies for the week and having checked us all out of Antigua we were set to go.


My first navigation!! We moved the boat just around the corner to the bay we had been staring at from the villa all week. Deep Bay is beautiful and great for swimming so that’s what we did almost the whole day. The plan is to stay here tonight and tomorrow Shirley and Troy are coming for lunch. Shirley works at the villa we were staying in and Annie and Mom would love to kidnap her. She’s fantastic so were invited her and her husband Troy (The Cab Driver) for lunch on the boat because they’ve never been on a boat. Should be good fun. 


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