Puerto Rico Continued
Shaya Moya
Don & Susan Smyth
Sun 17 Apr 2011 21:58
Tuesday 112th April:
Provisioning was done today in true American style
at Walmart. We left with three trolleys filled to the brims with food and
clothing. The only difference between us and the Yanks today was that we did our
shopping on foot, they simple roll around in scooter jobbies with baskets glued
to the fronts. McDonald's has got a thing or two to learn from Walmart about
fast food!
So we got all the basics we'll need in the long
term pantry for Cuba ( Oh i forgot to mention, we're calling Cuba the 'C-Word'
now because the suspects forgot to get their stories straight about the
onward journey at the customs office yesterday. They almost blew their 'Panama'
cover when Mom, whilst sitting on the waiting-bench in the
station, said 'We musn't forget the bag for the Cuba stuff,' and Dad
almost fell off the bench. 'Don't mention the C-WORD!!')
As we were leaving Walmart it started to rain so in
keeping with true sailing tradition we stayed home and had
'Spagbol.' Wednesday 13th April:
This morning we hopped in a tourist cab and headed
out for a tour of the island. We had a brunch type meal of local cuisine at a
delightful truck-stop along the highway, where in talking to our driver
discovered he's from the C-Word. That explained the heavy accsent. The island
tour became a Rainforest tour which was fantastic. We walked along a trail
through the forest passed Waterfalls and weird and wonderful trees and flowers,
the camera clicking away. Best to have a look at the pics.
Thursday 14th April:
We're leaving for Cuba today, but don't tell the
federalis... I can't wait. After sorting out the boat one last time and getting
everything ready, we had to do some last mjinute shopping and get mom into a
hotel for the night. The Hilton was closest so Mom was quickly housed. Then it
was off to the Supermercado for water and fruit 'n veg. Unfortunately the taxi
that was first in line outside the Hilton was an absolute joke. The driver had
obviously had his cold and runny nose for a while. The whole front was filled
with used tissues and other sickly cr*p. No problem we thought, its just around
the corner, we'll be rid of the dirty bugger chop-chop.
We shot out of the cab before he could even stop
and into the Supermarket he'd tried to stop at. Got rid of him we thought... and
started to look around for the things we needed, this proved difficult so we
split up. Dad was going to the bank to get euros for Cuba and Mom and I would go
back to Walmart or something like it for the rest of the stuff. Mom and I sped
off to find a cab and as we came around the corner where the sign said TAXI...
there he was! The dirty bugger had been lying in ambush. It was either dirty cab
or no cab. To cut a long story short, the sickly, dirty and as it happens
absolutely suicidal cab driver got us to and from the shops with our
goods leaving us with three near death experiences and a soar
Off to Cuba... 933nm to a 3 week holiday with
my gorgeous wife!