On the Horta Home Strait (sic)!

Wednesday 10th May 2023 North Atlantic Ocean 37o 33.6 N 41o 17.4 W Blog by David (Time zone: BST -3) Just a quick update. Having made good only 102 miles to noon yesterday, we reached our turning mark and are now heading broadly direct to Horta in a fresh breeze. We made good 196 miles to noon today! We should arrive in Horta late on Saturday or early Sunday. Having sent us north to find the wind, our weatherman now believes there might be a little too much weather up here for us poor souls so he has sent us south of the rhumb line to keep out of trouble. We are currently heading a little south of east. We have still got a boat load of food – we catered for four and there are but three of us J - in fact we actually have enough food to make the passage down to Gibraltar….a prospect that we are currently considering. This is prompted, in part, by the fact that we have had a few mechanical/equipment issues to deal with. We’ve fixed what we can and have a plan to manage those that we cant. The stuff we can’t fix ourselves needs to be done by professionals – and will take several weeks – particularly in waiting for parts – that is also better done in the Med than the Azores. That passage from Horta would be about 950 miles, but largely with the wind, so should take 6-7 days. If we left Tuesday 16th , we should be in La Linea, Spain – next to Gibraltar - on 23 or 24 May ….. Orcas willing. I mention Orcas, because there were several instances last year of passing yachts being attacked by Orcas (Killer Whales) off Spain, in the approaches to Gibraltar. It’s thought to be something to do with them waiting for tuna to leave the Mediterranean – possibly believing that a yacht might be a competitor for their food? Alright! - No-one knows WHY they do it – but they do - and yachts have had to be abandoned as a result. There are known blackspots and we will steer clear of those – and Serendipity is a bit bigger than those yachts which have been attacked hitherto. Fingers crossed. And finally, fond memories of St Anne, Les Saintes – Guadeloupe: Serendipity is right in the centre of this photograph – No, really! |