Finding our sea legs

Tuesday 22 November 2022 26.05o N 16.19o W Today's Blog by David (Time zone: UTC ) We have run about 170 miles southwest since yesterday. It was a bit lively overnight but things have mow settled down to a comfortable dowmwind sail – at about 160-170 miles per day. The sea is quite calm and the sky is cloudy but with lots of blue patches. I mentioned yesterday that it was cold. To illustrate this, here is a picture of us waiting for our celebratory (sic) dinner the night before we were due to leave: You can see Peter has borrowed a blanket to keep warm! The good news is that, now nearly 200 miles south of the Canary islands, the air temperature is increasing (but is still a long way from melting the butter!). No-one slept particulalry well on our first night out, (one rarely does); the boat’s motion is new and the watch routine breaks your sleeping patterns. So we have spent the time setlling into our routines – finding somewhere to wedge yourself so you don’t roll off the bed when the ship rolls; remembering how to cook in a rolling kitchen, making sure all the toys work: the SSB, (HF radio), the watermaker, etc. (even firing up this sat coms portal had its own challenges) but we are getting there. We are all hoping for a good night’s sleep. Not much else to tell today, so I leave you with an imagi which for some reason I find stramgely satisfying! |