Not the Oyster World Rally .... really!

Friday February 19th, 2015 Jolly Harbour Marina, Antigua 17 04.2N 61 53.2W Today's Blog by David (Time zone: UTC -4.0) To report that it was Party Time in Les Saintes, just south or Guadeloupe! Stephen Gratton, approaching a ripe old age that requires a BIG birthday party, invited a group of the friends they had made around the world to join them in Les Saintes. It is a beautiful anchorage: Simone and I travelled out especially. We flew to Antigua then sailed first to Carlisle Bay – somewhere with plenty of space so we could see if either of us could remember how to drop and recover the anchor - then to Les Trois Tortue on Guadeloupe. This was a beautiful beam reach in 12 knots true – idlyic tropical sailing. We anchored, expertly, overnight. We arrived in Les Saintes at about 11.30am the day before the Big One – and the party had already started. Debbie invited all those present aboard Amelie for one of those cruising lunches you fondly try to remember the following day. A quiet lunch with birthday boy We repaired early to bed because we were to be on parade at 08.00 for buck’s fizz aboard Bubbles – and extremely well attended it was too as everyone wanted to see their new Oyster 625. And admire it we did while are grazed on a fantastic breakfast spread that Karin had somehow conjured up overnight. By 10.00 it was time to withdraw and regroup ahead of the lunchtime beach party – with barbeque and games. The beach party warming up Quite what game Debbie was playing here was never clear - to me at least! Then back to the boat to recover before dinner ashore at 19.00 when the assembled crews of OWR participants Amelie, Babe, Bubbles (aka Duchess), Legend, Pearl of Persia, Satika, Serendipity, Sotto Vento and Yantina were joined by the crew of Oyster 405 Sephina and of a non Oyster: Jabayaba! I confess we bailed out at about 01.00 but the party was still going strong on Amelie at about 04.00 – just another day in the life of the OWR. Then up the following morning to make our way round the fleet: The fleet recovers to bid farewell prior to the journey back to Antigua (accompanied and ably abetted by Ian (Yantina)) where we put the boat to bed for a couple of months and then flew home. ……. Phew! |