Torrents in Tahiti

Friday 27th April: Papeete, Tahiti 17 30.14S 149 37.02W Today’s Blog by Simone!!! (Time zone UTC -10.00; BST-11.00) I know you have all been moaning that there has been no blog for nearly a week ...... perhaps mainly due to the fact that nothing has happened! We arrived here in Tahiti on Saturday afternoon after a brisk sail from the Tuamotos punctuated by the odd exhilarating (!?) squall. We weaved our way into Pape’ete past the airport. Apropos of nothing, Serendipity’s mast is SO tall (or the runway is so close by) that we needed the Airport’s approval to pass each end of the runway in case it interfered with airport ‘movements’. Hmm. Doesn’t bear thinking about. We were booked into the marina with a long list of repairs and replacements we hoped to accomplish within a couple of days. Sunday was spent cleaning the boat inside and out, getting the freezer ready (or at least making it smell slightly sweeter!) for an engineer to repair it on Monday. The engineer duly arrived and guess what, the freezer needs a new compressor. (This had to be sent from Italy and will take at least a week!). We then removed the mainsail; there, problems with the furler swivel at the top of the mast meant the top of the sail was being systematically destroyed - new parts ordered - due to arrive on Tuesday - no sign yet on Thursday night, allegedly stuck in Auckland? Sail gone off to sail maker who promises it back by end of week (which week is not clear). The rest of this week was spent cleaning repairing and recovering at the bar at the end of the pontoon - happy hour is from 5.30 to 7 each night. All in all,……………. business as usual for cruising sailors! Wednesday was the get together for the World ARC, a party in the evening and various prize presentations. The rains came down yesterday and it has poured ever since. Lat night, (Thursday), we returned from a full day’s tour of the island: every time we left the coach we were soaked. Would have been interesting but couldn’t see a thing. Back to the boat to recover and Peter produced his original – but by now famous - “Pasta and Bits” and we awaited the arrival of Rachel - hoping she brings the sunshine with her! It is now Friday, Rachel has arrived; she failed with the sunshine but did bring cake mix for Cap’n Dave as it’s his birthday today, so the lads have gone off diving and us girlies are cooking!!! No change there, then!!! I will report on the cake mix later as Rachel is actually the world’s expert on birthday cakes and decorations so using a ‘mix’ is rather beneath her. Hey, ho! |