La Rana Volando a lo Largo

David Caukill
Sun 29 May 2016 16:25

Sunday 29 May, 2016

Ensenada de Ares, Galicia, Spain 43 25.5N 0 8 14.1W

Today's Blog by David  (Time zone: BST+1; UTC +2)


I report that, having had pretty much no sailing since last Tuesday (save for an hour or so with the Frog on Thursday) we have now found some wind. Sadly, it cometh from South West when we goeth South West. It also chucketh and thundereth in between the odd shaft of sunlight.  We must be sailing!


Our idyllic anchorage on Friday turned into something of a tumble dryer, as a swell came into the anchorage perpendicular to such wind as there was, causing us to roll headily from side to side and leading to an uncomfortable night's sleep.  Undaunted, we waited for a break in the weather and made a dash for Ria de Cedeira.  Here we ventured ashore.  It was Saturday afternoon but there wasn’t much going on.  The town is set either side of the river:




We walked around town, watched some kids on a bouncy castle type trampoline  and sampled the local ale.  We thought it an good wheeze to have an early meal ashore only to discover that the restaurants that  were serving customers as we arrived were closing up for the evening by 18.15 when we wanted to eat, presumably before opening up again much later on. 


Our enquiry of  this woman suggested that we might have some success back toward the harbour:



 ……or it might equally have been a suggestion as to what we could do with ourselves. We will never know for, at this point, the heavens opened as a thunderstorm approached and we raced back to the boat to take shelter and to eat.


It was still raining this morning.


We are now anchored off Ares, about 10 miles from La Coruna.  We had a 6 hour brisk beat round from Ria Cedeira – 2 reefs in everything; bouncy, bouncy – (“La Rana Volando a lo Largo”? :  Frog flying along!) . Fortunately,  we were lucky to do that largely in sunshine.  Now, however, it is raining, heavily.  


Our plan is to go to La Coruna tomorrow and do the sights before Simon and Richard drop by on Tuesday.


Next update probably on Wednesday – if you want to know where we are meantime: