Hurry up and wait

David Caukill
Fri 15 Jul 2011 21:14

Friday night’s blog by Bob;   Hamble Marina 50:51.8N 01:18.67W


After  months of planning and preparing for this moment, there’s a sense of anticlimax hanging over Serendipity as we look at the weather forecasts. A spiteful little low pressure system is making its way across the country bringing rain and more importantly the promise of some unpleasantly strong winds from exactly the direction that we want to go. We would like to leave tomorrow, the tide is right and we are ready but as usual the weather gods are playing games. Two days ago it was looking perfect, nice North-Westerly breeze to speed us on our way to Guernsey and the prospect of a good onward leg across Biscay to Gibraltar. If only....


There’s nothing to do but wait it out and besides there’s no urgency so we spend the morning doing all the little jobs that remain on the “To Do” list followed by a leisurely pub lunch returning to our new home to watch the golf on TV.   I spent nearly 2 hours on the phone to O2 trying to work out

why I can receive texts from our Satellite system but cannot send messages back.  It’s like a game of tag. They tell you that it’s something that you are doing wrong and I politely demolish their theory.  By the end of the call we still haven’t resolved the problem and I know their music on hold by heart.  Ah well some you win...but not this one.


All the afternoon the sky gets darker and the clouds get lower until by 6pm it’s raining the wind will surely follow.


It’s funny but we all admit to a lingering sense of guilt at doing so little. After years of rushing and hurrying for what we used to call “work”.

It’s taking time to clear our souls of that work ethic, but we’re working on it.