To a Rock from a hard place

Friday 29th July: Today's Blog by Peter. 36:08.91N 05:21.32W Well we got here! Moored Ocean Village marina in Gibraltar just before midday. Having turned Cap St Vicente we immediately ran into a SE wind - not good when that is the way you want to go. This turned East the closer we got to the straits. Last 87 miles took the best part of 20 hours mostly motor sailing into a force 4/5, tacking through the night on watch changes. One requirement for sailing is the ability to sleep in a washing machine - Bob isn't so good at that and he is a bit short of sleep today. Beautiful sailing - warm, dry, sunny / starry, just the wrong direction. After the fish pie episode of Wednesday night, last night's steak dinner was had while hove to going nearly two miles in the wrong direction. Bob's alter ego must be chef as the steaks arrived done to a turn as per the varying specifications. Susie and John have now joined the boat but we are stuck here for a few days while Oyster sort out some problems. We shall be checking out the local attractions with possibly a day trip over to Morocco – our tacks in that direction were restricted by the shipping separation zones. |