We have arrived in Raroia Tuamotos!!
Wed 14 Jun 2017 02:53
We have arrived!!!
We are very happily anchored inside the atoll at Raroia. It is beautiful. Clear turquoise water surrounded by plam tree islands. There are litttle (and some less little) black tip reef sharks cruising around under the boat and both of us are feeling well rested after a nice lunch, naps, snorkelling and now cups of tea.
We had a pretty good sail through the night last night, although the wind died off a bit and we decided to do a bit of motoring into this morning. We reached the pass at the agreed time 11am (which we were sure was slack tide) it wasnt. But it wasnt too bad and we managed to motor through. It was breathtaking looking down into crystal clear 20m of water and seeing the reef below clear as day. We then followed the channel to the anhorage where we have met up with our Sun of Moondance mates and have had a nice afternoon catching up and relaxing with them.
Harry (20) and Jasper (10) are currently flghting it out over my paddleboard whilst the local kids sit on the warf just behind us laughing at them falling in. I have promised them a windsurfing lesson tomorrow so I said they should get some balance practice in first.
So we are both very happy and extremely relaxed. Great to be here in paradise.
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