Marquesas to Tuamotos day 3

Tue 13 Jun 2017 01:29
oooooooh we are getting so close!!! I am feeling like a cooped up impatient child in the backseat of a long road trip. Are we nearly there yet???
Not long now, we should get to the pass in the reef about 10/11am tomorrow morning. The wind has eased off a bit today which is making the ride more comfortable but we are going a bit slower. We had a bit of an settled night with sails in, then out, then in, then motor on, sails out, motor off, motor on, sails in etc. But we managed to keep roughly to our target speed so we can make it on time.
Our friends on Sun of Moondance are a day ahead of us and have emailed us stories of paradise. We are so excited.
We have been enjoying the goat Nick cooked up. Curry was delicious last night and we even had bbq pulled goat in freshly baked buns with coleslaw for lunch today- yummy.
All being well we should be able to email from the anchorage tomorrow.
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