Cruising the north coast of Hiva Oa
Sat 27 May 2017 18:06
09.71.46 S 139.01.46 W
We have had a really nice last few days exploring around the northern coast of Hiva Oa. The weather hasn't been that great so we have been enjoying the moments in the day when the sun is out. We sailed around from Autona to a bay called Hanamenu on the north western side of the island first. We had one night there before moving around the corner to Hanaiapa where we are now.
We have been buddy boating with some friends of ours on a boat called Sun of Moondance. They are a Kiwi/English family who have a boat similar to ours, just 54ft and a newer model. Its a lovely boat. They are great fun and we have had dinner with them the last few nights.
The scenery is just spectacular. The islands are so impressive with their sheer cliffs, amazing rock features, waterfalls, caves, lush green foliage, deep valleys, small villages nestled between towering cliffs and multi coloured beaches. It really is awe inspi ring as we sail around. The first bay we went into had a towering rock face entrance and a small village with a fresh water spring. We had hoped to fill up some of our water there but as there has been so much rain the spring had flooded and the water was very brown and murky. We also didn't find much life in the village apart from an army of 'no see-ems' (tiny little bitey flies).
Both of us boats decided to leave earlyish yesterday morning to where we are now (Hanaiapa). Its a lovely bay with steep sided walls and a deep valley with the village in there. The water has been a bit murky and there have been a few big sharks cruising around so we haven't felt too much like swimming. We will go and explore some caves and a waterfall after breakfast.
The weather hasn't been great and its not looking good for a passage to Fatu Hiva (one of the famous bays further south) so we may have to skip it which is a shame. But we have lots of other fun stuff planned and thi nk that when it comes to 2 full days of hard sailing vs more exploring here- we might take the later option. Will see how the weather looks.
We are both well, toe seems to be healing up although it looks terrible as its black at the moment (from the silver nitrate the doctor gave me). Nick is busy fixing our water catcher whilst having his breakfast. We just keep pinching ourselves that we are in the middle of the Pacific. Can't believe its real.
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