Passage to New Zealand day 4
Wed 15 Nov 2017 04:46
COG 180, wind speed 15-20knts E, boat speed 6.8knts (sailing!) local time 6.35pm, seas moderate
Nicks Birthday!!
We are making good progress in the right direction! We had an email from my brother Ewan and my Dad telling us to get a move on as there are some strong winds forecasted for the end of the week (from the wrong direction). So we are on to it and since early this morning have been easily making 6.5knts average. Its great having the wind and the seas are not too bad. We are aiming due south so that if we dont make it in time for the stronger winds we will take them at a more favorable angle. So thats the plan anyway.
There were big birthday plans for Nick today but its been pretty uncomfortable so our craft time (we were going to make cards and fake fish to tie on the fishing line for him to pull in - the boys were amped(?) - as you would expect haha) has been none existent. I did manage to make nachos for him for lunch and we have promised that we will celebrate when we are back on dry land.
No birthday fish either :( we had a big tuna on the line but we didn't manage to get it in - 'royal we' of course - the boys were so excited there wasn't much room for spectators.
It was great to chat to my sister for her birthday and nice to catch up with Nicks family for his birthday. We are excited to see them soon.
So we are currently all in the cockpit - the boys are trying to make Nick take rum shots for his birthday and we are all moaning about having to wear socks and lots of layers.
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