Galapagos bound! Day 2

Sat 1 Apr 2017 15:50
05.36.6200 N 80.28.1280 W
Hello from the big calm mill pond blue.
No luck on the wind front the last 24hrs. We had the odd flury of activity when we thought we might be able to sail but other than that its been incredibly calm and flat. We are currently motoring along, relaxing having had our breakfast smoothies.
Its been a relatively Un eventful past 24hrs apart from our exciting lunch time BBQ yesterday. It was so calm we decided to cut the engine and roll with the 2knt current (thankfully in the right direction). Nick put the ribs on the BBQ and pulled the corn bread muffins out of the oven, I made a quick salad and we were good to go. We put on some music and discussed how this was probably one of the stranger BBQ's we had ever had. Deciding that the closest we might have come to this in the past would have been eating BBQ food whilst floating on a inflatable in a swimming pool. We finished off lunch with a quick swim off the back of the boat and were soon on our way again.
The sea life entertainment seems to have lessened a bit. Not so much plankton last night (as evident in our plankton net tow as well) and only a few visits from dolphins - although some I am sure were porpoises as they were so small - need to check in with our marine mammal ID. We had a pod of pilot whales with us just at dusk which was a great treat. Also seen a manta ray jumping this morning which is an amazing split second sight.
On the fushing news - we caught one Mahi mahi that managed to flip its self off the boat (we are not talking about it- oh Nicks poor face of disappointment!). But then when Nick was reeling in the hand line in the evening he found that we had caught another one! A perfect 2 person meal size fish - so although the poor thing must have been towed behind the boat for some time at least his body will not go to waste. There is talk of sushi for lunch today......
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