Passage to Marquesas day 1
Sat 29 Apr 2017 21:20
We are on our way! We left last night about 6pm as the sun was going down. We had a great run pretty much straight out of the bay. The wind dropped off a bit around midnight and then has stayed light around 6-8knts from behind. We decided to put the engine on to see if we can get to the trades - we also have a favourable current with us as well which is great. We have a few boats ahead and some coming behind. Fingers crossed for the trade winds we are hoping for......
Its a bit lumpy so I am back on the meds after feeling pretty sicky last night - I guess the rolly anchorage at Santa Cruz hadn't quite prepared me as well as I had hoped.... Anyway the lines are out for fish and we are fully stocked with food. Moby Dick is on the radio and we are catching up on some sleep after a bit of a noisy night (rolly seas and light winds made for some noisy sails).
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