Minerva reef
Tue 7 Nov 2017 03:40
We made it! We are anchored nice and safe in North Minerva reef. Check it out on the map! Its a pretty crazy place. Amazing to be in the middle of an ocean in the middle of a reef!
We got in about 10am this morning after another nice night sail. Its such a treat to get such good sleeps!! So we arrived nice and refreshed and after some lunch headed out exploring.
We walked on the exposed reef for a while before heading in for a snorkel. The size of the fish here!!! Huge!! So many everywhere and lots of beautiful corals. Nick shot us a fish for dinner (a type of snapper we hadnt seen before) while Ryan was trying to catch fish on the rod - another lure lost - but it was nearly a trevally.
Anyway we are now relaxing, with the fish carcass of the back of the boat - bringing in some shark entertainment.
The unfortunate news is that we have had another email from Bob and the advice is to stay put for a few days while a large low passes. So our plans to leave tomorrow have had to be put on hold. We trust Bob and his advice so we will take the safe option and wait. We are both feeling a bit gutted about it as we can't wait to see our families in NZ.
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