Tonga to Minerva day 1

Sun 5 Nov 2017 03:32
COG 240 wind 20 easterly. Speed 6knts Local tonga time 5.22pm.
So finally we have our weather window - which unfortunately still means that we are leaving in 20knts +. Thankfully the wind is just behind the beam and we are making good progress. We are well reefed up but making pretty good speed. The seas are pretty confused - coming from the east and the south. We are all life jacketed and harnessed up.
I think everyone is happy to be underway after our long wait in Tonga. We left today with at least 6 other boats - which we hope is a pretty good sign. There has already been some fishing excitement - we just lost our lure and about 100 meters of line - not such a good sign. The aftermath of this is occurring right now. Dinner is in the oven and the sun is getting lower. Nick and I are very much looking forward to more sleep with these two extra crew on board.
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