Passage to Marquesas day 15

Sat 13 May 2017 00:59
We have some wind! We have been sailing a long nicely since last night after the wind filled in just after dinner. Making a steady 5-6knts. We are wing on wing and are making a bit more of a northerly heading to stop sails from flapping but pretty much going in the right direction.
Not much to report on Sold the Farm. Nick and I just had a very tight monopoly deal battle which resulted in a very tense final. I won by the skin on my teeth sending Nick down below to make lemonade and give me a massage later. In less exciting news my toe nail which has been growing back steadily since loosing it post trek in Colombia has decided that it wants to bury some of itself deep into my skin and not see the light of day. My morning painful excavations have resulted in the infection decreasing but the little bugger still has some puss in it,is sore and red. Will save more excavating for the morning....
Onwards we go, nice to be sailing again and pretty much in the right direction. Less than 1000miles to go now.....
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