Leaving the San Blas

Wed 25 Jan 2017 22:41
So the time has come for us to move on. We are having to tear ourselves from this island paradise and head to Linton (about a 10 hr sail along the coast) leaving early tomorrow morning. It is time of us to do boat jobs and get ready for the canal - which we hope to do mid/late feb.
We have had a really fantastic last week here. The weather has been pretty settled which has allowed us to do much more. We have been exploring a whole load of different ship wrecks, snorkelling on the outer reef, fire on our own private island in the evening and nights lying on the bow watching the stars. We really like we have been so spoilt this last month. We agreed last night that this has been one of the best times in both of our lives. Its feeling like it was a good decision to do this crazy trip after all haha :)
One of the big driving factors for us leaving is that we are nearly out of food (we still have some tinned stuff - but saving that fancy french tinned stuff for mid Pacific). We had a visit from the veggie man who came around in his canoe last week and that combined with Nicks fish catching/shooting abilities has meant we have been eating really well so far. But the cheese is very nearly out and so is the butter.......... desperate times haha ;) So we should be back in civilisation late tomorrow and in theory back in the land of wifi so potentially chances for skype catch ups if anyone has time.
Anyway we better get all packed up and ready for leaving tomorrow. We managed a quick surf this evening and have treated oursleves to warm showers. Dinner time soon then an early night.