Passage to New Zealand day 2

Mon 13 Nov 2017 02:13
COG 209 T, wind speed 8-10knts SE, boat speed 4knts (upwind motor sailing), local time 4pm NZ time
The sun has been out! What a nice treat after all the rain and the clouds. Its given us all a chance to dry out a bit which is good. Last night was pretty easy - a dark one, motor sailing quite a bit. We have been sailing a bit this morning as the wind was up 12-15knts but its died off again. We are steadily starting to head south off the back of the low pressure. The wind should be getting more esterly every day which will make our passage easier and faster.
Life is ticking along on board, very nice having 4 of us - its such a treat to get such good sleeps. We had a nice 'sunday lunch' today of breaded amberjack (that Ryan caught at Minerva), roast potatoes and rattatoui. Our first meal on plates on this passage!
Still no fish and the 3 beardy boys have moved away from fishing chat to facial hair this afternoon. I am currently reigning Tetris champion - by miles, and we are shortly due to start a monoply deal championships. Watch this space.
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