Passage to Marquesas day 21

Fri 19 May 2017 02:15
G.e.t.t.i.n.g. s.o. c.l.o.s.e.......
Still looking like we will make it tomorrow,all being well just before it gets dark. Fingers crossed! We are lacking a bit in wind right now so have the engine on to re charge batteries (its been cloudy all day) and give us a bit of an extra boot in the right direction. We had a bit of a frustrating night with many squalls and the wind dead behind (when we had decided that we didnt need the pole up for the night), so we ended up steering a bit north of our course. The squalls ment winds of up to 30knts followed by 10knts once they passed- so a busy night for both of us in our wet weathers putting reefs into the head sail and taking them out again. But when we swapped watches about 3am we saw a moonbow - like a rainbow but with the moon, it was pretty cool.
Anyway we have been pretty sleepy and boring today, more squalls have come through so we have been ducking in and out of the rain. As I write this I can see a rainbow and a dark cloud coming closer so may have to duck down below to avoid the rain.
Sounds like all our friends have made it in ok which is great news. They are keeping some beers cold for us. Hopefully just one more night for us.........cannot wait for a real sleep.
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