Galapagos bound! Day 6

Wed 5 Apr 2017 19:22
Aaaaaand the wind has died again.....
Morale is a bit low today after a bit of a rubbish night and total lack of wind today. We ended up loosing the wind last night about midnight and then by 2am found ourselves in squall with so much rain, not much wind and lots of sheet lightning. It wasnt much fun. We motored as much as we could to try and get ourselves out of it but it took a few hours before we coud relax again. Needles to say neither of us slept very well.
Today has been pretty windless again which means we have been doing a lot of bobbing around and not much else. Struggling to make much head way. We have used the engine a bit to try and get us a bit further south to see if we can pick up some more wind - but the forecast we have isnt too hopeful even then.
Luckily we have provisions to last us 8 months and water for at least a month - so looks like we will just have to hang out and wait in the doldrums. A bit frustrating as we are under 400 miles away from the Galapagos which normally would take us a little under 4 days. Time to get into another good book!
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